Welcome to the STFC Cloud

This service provides a private IaaS cloud resource for SCD users.

To start, login the right of the page:

Select "Username and password" in the top dropdown if you have STFC Federal Credentials or have been given STFC Cloud Credentials then select "STFC Federal ID" or "Default" respectively in the second dropdown and log input

It will soon be possible to log in with either "IRIS IAM" "EGI Checkin" by selecting the appropriate option from the top dropdown box

You should be aware that the SCD Cloud is still in active development. Please read the Terms of Service before proceeding.

Documentation can be found at https://stfc-cloud-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/

For any questions, problems or ideas email us at cloud-support@stfc.ac.uk

You can sign up to our mailing list at https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin?A0=STFC-CLOUD to be notified of any changes to the service.

You can also join our Slack to chat with the Cloud team and other users: https://stfc-cloud.slack.com/

If you are not sure which authentication method to use, contact your administrator.


The cloud is based on OpenStack for the virtualisation and CEPH for the storage.